Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Welcome . . .

Just what this industry needs, another Art Licensing Blog

But wait!  Before you throw down your paintbrush (ok, who're we kidding, hardly anyone paints anymore, but that's a subject for another post), give me a second.  I'm not sure exactly what I'll end up talking about, but it's probably not going to be how to get licensing deals, read a contract or break into the business. There are plenty of great Blogs talking about those things.  What I will be talking about is what running an Art Licensing Agency is really like.  Day to day.  And what life is like doing it.  I have opinions about the industry and the economy--you'll hear them.  I'll talk about the numerous portfolio submissions I get every week. And what I think about them.  You'll learn how working with a manufacturer goes in real life.  You'll find out I spend WAY too much time in my pajamas. And the little known secret that I've closed many, many deals while still in bed.  (Hey! Easy on the judgement, the East Coast is HOURS ahead).

What about you?  Curious?  Have questions?  Let me know!  Ask away.  Or you can come on over, we can brush each other's hair and talk about how to put a new spin on the whole Owl thing. It's up to you.

This is a creative business where we get to play with fabulous art and wonderful products.  What's not to love?  Ok, so the $3.18 royalty checks aren't so fun, but other than that it's all pretty good. So, I hope you stop by from time to time, talk back, share and feel like it was worth tearing yourself away from Facebook or Pinterest for a few minutes. If you're really feeling warm hearted become a subscriber and invite a few friends. Before you know it, we'll be best friends.



  1. Sounds great to me, Kimberly! I would LOVE to hear the thoughts and opinions of an agent, what you think of submissions, the state of the industry, and what it's like on a daily basis for you. GREAT idea. :)

  2. I can't wait to hear more about the licensing industry from an agent's point of view. Will you be teaching seminars and/or doing teleseminars on the licensing business??

    1. Thanks for your note JJ. I don't have any plans to do seminars at this time. There are lots of great ones available. I do one on one consulting.

  3. Another girl who spends much time in her pajamas, here! loved your post so I just subscribed. Looking forward to read more! ;)

  4. I'm really looking forward to reading your posts. Thanks for sharing your experience!

  5. You had me at "a new spin on the whole owl thing"...hilarious! Good luck with the blog!

  6. So looking forward to reading your posts! I'm already hooked!! :) And I'm in my pj's working there any better way?? People are just jealous! Ha! :)

  7. Looking forward to reading your blog Kimberly x

  8. Can't wait to hear more of your witty take on the day to day realities of the licensing business...should be illuminating, and fun!

  9. Quite possibly the nicest person on the planet, and my agent, I'm happy to say! I'm glad you're doing this-it's illuminating. Looking forward to more.

  10. I just found your blog through Tara's Blog. I just posted there and will post here, too. I don't working in my PJ's, I work in my "paint clothes" and really my "PJ's" look a lot better! Look forward to your post!
