Saturday, September 6, 2014

Something Big is Coming!

This month we're kicking off an exciting event at Montage Licensing, Something Big!

If you're an artist and always wanted to get involved in the licensing industry in a bigger way, we hope you'll join us.

We think there's some big talent out there that the licensing industry needs to see--and it just might be you. We're looking far and wide for the brightest, freshest, most appealing new look in licensing. At the agency have our own ideas about what is hot, but we think that yours just might be better. We hope you'll join us.

Entrants will be receiving special videos from me on how to work in the licensing industry, as well as tips and tricks for putting together a portfolio. We'll be showcasing some of the submissions here on my blog. I'll be bringing in industry professionals to offer their insights. It will be an interesting, informative and exciting event that you'll want to be a part of!

Click HERE to join in the fun!

Something Big is Coming and it just might be you! 

One quick favor before I close, take a moment to drop a note below and let us know what you'd like to see as we work through this process and highlight some of the submissions. We have our own ideas, but I've learned over the years that the best ones come from all of you out there.  Thank you for taking just a moment to share your thoughts!



  1. For those submissions, that aren't quite "acceptable", would it be possible to post why, or suggestions as to what would make them acceptable ? I think that's something we could all benefit from.

  2. Hello Kimberly,
    Thanks for putting up this blog and for posting some insight as to what would work in licensing. I put my email in to get the submission guidelines but have not received anything yet. Could you please help?

  3. Hi Nancy, We'll get the Submission Guidelines out to you today. We've been swamped with requests and are doing our best to catch up!
